Frequently Asked Questions About Sandcarving
+ What is Sandcarving?
Sandcarving, aka Sandblasting, is a process used to etch or engrave on a surface using sand to do the carving.
+ What surfaces can Sandcarving be used on?
Sandcarving can be used to blast onto surfaces including: Glass, Marble, Acrylic, Ceramic, Crystal, Granite, Metal, Plastic, Bricks, River Rocks, etc.
+ What is a Photomask?
A photomask is a stencil made from a durable material that is used to cover the item that is blasted. A design is applied to the photomask - leaving the design areas open for blasting. The mask protects the areas that do not have a design on them.
Once the sandblasting has taken place, the photomask is removed and the etched image is left on the surface of the material that was sandblasted.
+ What Type of Abrasive is used in Sandcarving
The most common sand-like materials used in sandcarving are aluminum oxide or silicon carbide.
+ What is a Sandcarving System?
A Sandcarving System is a cabinet used to enclosure that creates a safe environment for sandcarving. The top companies to purchasing Sandcarving Systems from are Rayzist Photomask and Ikonics Imaging.